Wedding Mini Album with Pictures

Wedding can be such a beautiful event and I've viewed many beautiful set ups and interior decoration on the internet that are oh-so-dreamy, and probably expensive too, but they say that it's a once in a lifetime experience so why not go with a bang. Every time I go to a wedding, I sometimes imagine myself on stage..hehe..but it would be a fleeting second because all I can think about is the array of food and oh, dessert table.

In this album above, contains the couple's pre-wedding photos and I chose this colour scheme based on another design by a talented crafter. I didn't actually spend a lot of time designing the cover because I tried to use up whatever was left from the inner pages and added some cut outs that I didn't use.

Speaking of the inner pages, below is a sneak peek of how they look like. I wished I could show them in full display but for confidentiality sake, I didn't take any of the pictures.

For custom orders, feel free to contact me from the above link or through the contact form on the right side bar.

Thanks for dropping by!
