I've been so so SO busy recently and most of tests and projects for my part-time studies were due or still due this month, hence the slow updates. I have also never received so many orders before up to a point, I had no choice but to close orders for this month and will only accept orders for next month. We all only have 24 hours a day and most of them, for me at least, have been occupied with work and school on most weekdays leaving me to finish most of the projects on the weekend, which is supposedly time to rest and unwind.
But you know, success doesn't come easily. A recent article I read about the personal stories of a recent NUS graduate who had to juggle a few part-time work to support herself and her mother ever since her father died and she had to miss classes. Her day will start from 7.30am to 11pm and instead of taking a break, she went through that time to go through her tutorials and lecturs. Now, she has just earned a degree and is now a doctor. So inspiring, right?
How she did it was a matter of telling herself that if you really want something badly, you will do all it takes to achieve it. Nobody says achieving success is ever easy. If you're facing tough times like me too and feeling overwhelmed, write down the things you have to do and plan every day on tackling those tasks and re-shift your focus when you get distracted.
Okay, on to the post on the box card I've made above. It's a Spongebob themed card but I left most of the panels empty for people to write their wishes, as requested. My workplace has a brand new printer and the colour print out is ah-ma-zing. It doesn't give you the pixelated looks and my Spongebob Squarepants looked like great :)
I actually did another box as well but alas, I didn't manage to take a picture of it coz suddenly, my phone camera stopped working. It was a really pretty purple box. So now, I made sure I spare some time to take pleasing pictures.
Over time, these box cards are getting more simpler to do. But of course, I still fuss over how to deco the box. I realized there are so many beautiful box cards but the embellishments are quite bare, except for the central part which the crafter puts more focus on. I also don't want to copy too much of other people's style because it just isn't right. You can be inspired by them but not copy wholesale.
Here's how the box card looks like when closed, or rather, before it 'explodes' open. I will usually tie it up with a nice ribbon to hold the box together and also as a finishing touch to it.

If you like this post, be sure to share it. For custom orders, please feel free to send me your order queries.
Thanks for dropping by!
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