Laminated Bookmarks for Teachers' Day 2015

Laminated bookmarks with Crate Paper stickers collection

I enjoy making these bookmarks and yes I have to resist taking a very long time just to do one bookmark because it's how a perfectionist work, lol. But I can't afford that time with multiple bookmarks and for the ones above,  I mostly use stickers from past and present stickers from Crate Paper. They're really pretty and versatile, which is what I like about their stickers. Layer them together and it's like magic.

Read on to see more designs of these bookmarks.

I lined the bottom border of the bookmarks with glitter tape from American Crafts which I loved and some stencils at the two corners just to fill up the empty space and for some interest. I actually don't fancy using glitter glue because they will seem to be all over the place when I laminate. However for these bookmarks, I used them in random spots rather than to highlight certain pieces. You can't really see but it's there, haha!

laminated handmade bookmarks

laminated handmade bookmarks
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