A4 Sized Guestbook with Classic Lace & Black Pearls Design

When shopping around for a sketchbook or a bounded book,I didn't realise how expensive sketchbooks can be! So I went back to the bookshop I often frequent and purchased an inexpensive sketchbook to convert it into the guestbook that you see above.

I was requested to make a simple design but to me, I didn't want it to be too dull looking so after looking around for suitable materials I settled with the gold glitter cardstock from American Crafts. It's actually matte gold where there are no fallout as its sealed with a thin layer of plastic? I maybe wrong but of you are looking for that sort of material, you can consider this brand from American Crafts. I got it from Spotlight which is located in Plaza Singapura if you are staying in Singapore.

Adding lace at the side to use it a border. I got the idea when I Google it but the original design that I was inspired with used lace in the centre. I wanted to keep it balanced as I would be adding some other embellishments and moving the lace to the side balanced the clusters.

As I'm using a printout instead of diecutting the letters I was able to make it portrait instead, again for balance.

If u fancy this guestbook feel free to share the post. Meanwhile, send me your order queries from the right side bar if you are interested in making a guestbook like the one above.

Thanks for dropping by!
