Explosion Box Card with Vintage Rustic Theme

I've been wanting to do a rustic themed anything like layouts it cards but particularly cards coz that's my first interest. So of course I was excited when given this theme to work in.

I recently bought this set of woodchip embellishments from Prima Marketing and I loved it! IF I really like something, I wouldn't mind repurchasing again especially when they are versatile enough to use for various projects. Honestly scrapbooking materials aren't cheap so if u can stretch your dollars, why not. Unfortunately, it's not in stock anymore which means I have to use it sparingly so that I can use it on more projects.

As I'm doing the project, I realised dusty pink or vintage rose colour goes well with the rustic theme. Oh, and a bit of yellow too. Even better, gold. Gold may be a bit outstanding coz well, it's gold, lol but using it sparingly can give maximum impact.

Below you can see how I do the decorations. I rummaged through my sticker collection in a canvas bag and came across this quote if you can see below. I thought it was sweet and we'll more importantly, it fits into the panel well. Yay!

Oh yes, black and brown goes well together too especially when u are figuring out what colours are suitable for a card meant for a guy.

Hey, if you like my post, please feel free to share it. Send your order queries through the box in the right panel and I will get back to you ASAP.

Thanks for dropping by!

PS: sorry for the longish looking photos as I'm using a new phone and at that point of time, couldn't figure out how to edit it. Hope you can still see!
