Love Themed Picture Box Cards

I have done several box cards recently and last Friday, I actually met up with 3 customers at different timings, which honestly was tiring. Sometimes when I have to meet them at certain places or at certain timing, I honestly question myself why am I subjecting to this. But at the end of the day..or night after I passed them the cards, I felt accomplished.

Anyway, I decided to post three types of boxes in this one post. The first one is the all sided waterfall box card. If you're wondering how I did the middle letterings, I used a silhouette cameo, which is a popular choice of die cut machine to make stickers as well. I've seen some youtube videos where they teach you how to print the sticker and then use the machine to cut them. I will get to them soon, lol. But how I use is mostly to cut letterings like this, which honestly saved me money from buying the alpha stickers and can give me more flexibility to type out and cut these letterings.

I like to vary the decorations for each box according to the theme and occasion, and sometimes colours too so everything co-ordinates well. Previously I like to overdo with the decorations but now I go with subtlety, playing with bigger and smaller decorations.

Pictures help to personalise the box which makes it more special for the recipients.

I hope you like these box cards that I have made and thanks for dropping by!
