Card Showcase: "You Were Born to Sparkle"

"You Were Born to Sparkle" Overlay from MME

Everyone is special in their own special ways. However many still do not know how special they truly are but living in a fast paced environment and the constant desire to do better than others can make us feel rather dejected like thinking where have we gone wrong as though whatever we do don't seem good enough.

However, we must always assure ourselves that no matter what happens, at the very least we have tried our best and that we mustn't give up. We're just a human being and no human being is perfect but we must ourselves a chance to sparkle because everyone is special that way.

Hence this card was created using minimal embellishments but I ensure that the collage, though simple, complimented the overlay. I also added some glitters at the corner to emphasize the sparkle effects. I didn't take that long to finish this card though. I also finish off the card with a trim of fabric pleats.

Thanks for dropping by!
