Thank You & Happy Birthday Custom Cards

I am blessed to receive a couple of bulk orders for these 4 X 6 inches cards, which I managed to do a few at one sitting and I always find it fun to design these cards. Honestly, I don't plan the designs for these kind of cards. It's really very random but of course, some planning goes behind these cards too to make sure everything goes well together.

Their designs layouts are different from the bigger sized cards or the tri-fold cards but still leave room for creativity. As they're done pretty quickly (or at least I try to not let my thoughts linger on too long), I charge lower prices for bulk orders of at least 10 of these cards, much like the ones above, as low as $2 to $2.50 depending if you want simple or a slightly more elaborate designs.

For bulk orders such as this one,simply send me an order query from the side bar or email me.

Thanks so much for dropping by!
