Mini Albums for Friends (Boy & Girl Theme)

I tried my best to make these mini albums as special as I could possibly can because they're meant to be for two of my customer's good pals. To me, they're really lucky to have her as a friend as she really put thoughts into buying special handmade goods for them and I'm privileged to have been chosen by her to make these special gifts for them.

As icing on the cake, these mini albums will include her writings and pictures to make them more personalized. I merely help to set up the foundation :)

Each page on the mini album has a different layout design and I try to leave some space for her while embellishing different corners of the page. With her creativity, I'm sure she can make these mini albums to a whole new level.

Right below, you can see how I designed the pages that include flaps, a journal card and inserts to contain more pictures or handwritten notes.

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Thanks for dropping by!
