Celebrating a Dad's and a Mum's Birthday

I've enjoyed making cards for people and I'm probably not going to stop although I need to try to manage my orders more which I've started to track nowadays in an online spreadsheet, just like a real business. Passion is one thing, but in order to succeed, we must also learn to manage it well and not just talking about businesses in general, but life in general too.

I am glad that I got to make two lovely cards to recipients who are parents to such caring and lovely children. My friend recently organized her mum's 60th birthday and though I insisted she need not pay, she felt she needed as she was hiring my service. Of course I had to make the most loveliest card for her and I found this pretty 3D sticker from Mambi and I loved how flower and the gems to make up the word Mom. It made such nice centerpiece for the card. But of course, the most prominent is the picture of my friend's mum looking like a Beauty Queen, according to my mum :)

The second piece goes out to a Dad who loves green and the dishes from the pictures you see above. I have a thing for rosettes nowadays after I got a 2nd hand die online. So now, my explosion boxes will feature rosettes as one of the main embellishments. I had actually ran into some problems with the home printer but luckily, managed to print out the pictures though the colours ran a bit and I'm so glad my customer didn't mind.

I love most of my customers who know my works and enjoy getting them from me time and again :)

Hope you like these cards I've made. For custom orders, feel free to send me your order request from the side bar.

Thanks for dropping by!
