Just for You Happy Birthday Box Card

Just as I thought I had spent some significant time on designing the box panels, I have to make the box cover and then I basically put together random stickers and embellishment with similar colours to form a collage.

For the inner panels, I paired up pink and black with colourful polka dots together. I also cut out a star and a balloon from gold glittered paper so it will 'pop' even more against the dark background.

Here's a close up of the paper cake that I have made using my favourite black and white polka dot patterned paper.

This was a pretty simple box card though I don't know I felt like I took forever to make it, lol. Sometimes I admit I need to be a little faster in making them but of course, I won't compromise on the quality.

I hope you like this pink and black box card I have made. For custom orders, please feel free to send me your order queries :)

Thanks for dropping by!
